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Start/Boot your VPS using Virtualizor

If your VPS is down/offline, you can start it using Virtualizor.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hover your mouse on the appropriate VPS, and that line will be highli…

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Shutdown your VPS using Virtualizor

You can shutdown your VPS in two ways – forcefully or gracefully, using Virtualizor.How to Gracefully shut down your VPS via Virtualizor?1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on Li…

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Reboot/Restart a VPS using Virtualizor

If you want to reboot your VPS, you can do it via the command line or Virtualizor.How to reboot/restart your VPS via Virtualizor?1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hove…

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Change your Virtualizor Control Panel password

If you can access your Virtualizor VPS control panel, you can easily change your Virtualizor password. We recommend you to change the password frequently and use a strong one.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2.&nbs…

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Check your VPS specifications in Virtualizor

You can check your VPS specification like RAM, disk space, virtualization, IP Address, etc., from the Virtualizor Control Panel.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left-side panel, click on List VP…

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Check the VPS status in Virtualizor

If you want to check your Virtualizor VPS status and determine whether the VPS is offline or online, you can examine the client area or the Virtualizor Control Panel.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. Then in the …

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How to login to virtualizor control panel?

Firstly you can find a VPS Login URL, username, and password in your welcome email.Virtualizor Login details example:Control Panel URL: or with IP Address.Username: Your email addressPassword:…

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How to run autoSSL on your domains in cPanel?

If your domain is created recently, wait for a few hours so that the cPanel can automatically install an SSL on your domain. However, even after 24 hours, if an SSL is not installed on your domain, first check the last log of Auto…

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How to change the VNC password in SolusVM?

You can change the VNC password using SolusVM.1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.3. Scroll down, and under the VNC Password tab, enter your new passwo…

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