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How to change the hostname from SolusVM

You can change the hostname from SolusVM.1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.3. Scroll down, and under the Hostname tab, enter your hostname in the text box unde…

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How to access your VPS via VNC in SolusVM?

You can access your VPS via VNC in case of an emergency, such as when a firewall blocks your IP, the Internet connection is not working, you are unable to access your VPS via SSH or for OS Installation/Reinstallation reasons, etc….

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How to start/boot your VPS using SolusVM?

If your VPS is down/offline, you can start it using SolusVM.1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.3. Scroll down, and you can see a Boot option. Cli…

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