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How to Install a Plugin in WordPress?

You can install a plugin in WordPress in several ways. The best way to install a plugin is to use the WordPress Admin Dashboard, which automatically allows you to install plugins.1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.2…

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How to Remove A Category in WordPress

If you want to remove the WordPress category, then follow this instruction:1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.2. Under the dashboard menu, hover your mouse on Posts and then click on Categories.3. On the right side, you …

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VPS vs Dedicated Server Hosting | Pros & Cons

We have already talked about Shared Hosting and it’s advantages and disadvantages. It’s generally considered a great place to start. It’s the most affordable option, easy to manage and you can get your website up and running in no time. But what happens later on when your site’s traffic has increased substantially or you need to host more websites and you don’t have enough resources to make that happen or you are simply concerned about privacy(as you should!)? Then you should consider a VPS or a Dedicated Server. First what is a Dedicated Server? By Dedicated Server we mean the entire physical server dedicated to your website(s). That means you get all the resources (cpu cores, ram, storage..) for your needs. Furthermore you control the actual hardware inside the server, for example cpu Brand, no of cores, type of storage, RAM capacity/speed etc. You can also control the software that the server is running. Everything sounds great! So whats the catch?? Well it’s the most expensive option. I mean you actually reserve the whole server for you and you only. A Dedicated Server is an easy choice if your site experiences regularly HIGH traffic. But what if you site has moderate traffic on a daily basis and you don’t actually need all those resources the server provides? Then VPS is for you! What exactly is a VPS? VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. A physical server is divided into multiple Virtual Servers using a hypervisor(e.g VMware ESXi, Red Hat KVM), a software that creates and runs virtual machines(VM). Each VPS features it’s own Operating System (OS), receives a predefined number of resources dedicated to that VPS and to that VPS alone. The Virtual Servers in that machine operate independently, do not interfere with each other, can be separately rebooted. A…

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