Delete self shutdown timer in Virtualizor
If you have already set a shutdown timer in Virtualizor, but decided to delete it later on, follow this tutorial.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left...
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Edit self shutdown timer in Virtualizor
If you have already set a shutdown timer in Virtualizor, but decided to edit it later on, follow this tutorial.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left...
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Set VPS self shutdown/start/reboot timer in Virtualizor
Do you know that you can set a self shutdown timer for your VPS to start/shutdown/reboot or Power off at a specified time? This is a handy feature provided by...
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Change the VNC password in Virtualizor
You can change the VNC password using Virtualizor.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hover your mouse on the appropriate VPS,...
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Change your VPS OS root/admin password using Virtualizor
You can change the root/admin password of your VPS OS using Virtualizor.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hover your mouse...
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How to change the hostname in Virtualizor?
You can change the hostname from Virtualizor.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hover your mouse on the appropriate VPS, and...
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Enable/Disable APIC, ACPI, VNC in Virtualizor
Virtualizor allows you to enable or disable VNC, APIC, and ACPI.1. Log in to your Virtualizor Control Panel.2. In the left side panel, click on List VPS.3. Hover your mouse on...
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Manually install OS using Virtualizor for custom installation.
The Virtualizor Automatic Reinstall option does not allow you to modify or create a custom partition, but you can manually install an OS by following these instructions:1. Log in to...
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Reinstall OS using Virtualizor automatic OS-Reinstaller
You can easily Install/Reinstall the operating system using the Virtualizor automatic OS-Reinstaller. However, note that this option will destroy all the data on your VPS.1. Log in to your Virtualizor...
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Access your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor
You can access your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor. That is in case of an emergency, such as when a firewall blocks your IP, the Internet connection on VPS is...
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