International Women’s Day

DateMar 2, 2022

womens day 2022

HostingB2B Dedicates this Month to Women

This week HostingB2B celebrates strength, love, beauty, intelligence and life. We dedicate this week to all the fierce women out there, who make a difference in our world and inspire others to do better and to become better humans.

What is International Women’s Day all about?

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating social, economic, political, and cultural achievements of women. The day aims to raise awareness for gender equality, accelerated gender parity and to promote fundraising for female-focused charities.

International Women’s Day was honored for the first time in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland and thereafter, the celebration of the Day expanded all over the world. The struggle for women’s working conditions and labor law, voting rights, women’s human rights, and the fight against women violence was intense, with severe casualties, that marked the past century and up until today, the battle for women’s right is ongoing.

The involvement of women in visible tech roles over the past few years has grown; women are increasingly holding the top highly visible positions in big tech companies. These women include;

  1. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg
  2. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
  3. IBM CEO Ginni Rometty

However, even though women are making a steady entry into the industry, there are still many factors that may slow down this process. There are many ways, however, that this obstacle can be overcome, such as;

  • The industry getting involved in educating students about tech and its role in shaping the world
  • Increased access to tech careers for women
  • Increased visibility of female role models in the industry

How You Can Contribute.

There are several simple ways in which everyone can contribute to this cause:

  • Collaborate with female-led companies and organizations.
  • Participate and promote IWD 2022 events
  • Support local female-focused organizations.
  • Begin with own self. Do not turn a blind eye and change the way you think, say no to discriminations.

HostingB2B honors and stands by every woman by celebrating this distinctive day and supporting #EachforEqual. Let’s everyone contribute to big changes for women.

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