
Enable PHP’s GD extension using Cloudlinux Selector in DirectAdmin
You can use CloudLinux Selector to enable GD extension in PHP via DirectAdmin.1. Log-in to your DirectAdmin account.2. In the Extra Features section, click on the Select PHP version icon or type Select PHP&nbs...
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Enable ionCube_loader using Cloudlinux selector in DirectAdmin
You can use CloudLinux Selector to enable ionCube_loader in DirectAdmin.1. First log-in to your DirectAdmin account.2. Then in the Extra Features section, click on the Select PHP version icon or type Select PH...
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Change php version via Cloudlinux selector in DirectAdmin
You can use CloudLinux’s selector to change your website’s PHP Version in DirectAdmin. CloudLinux provides various PHP Versions to choose from. 1. Log-in to your DirectAdmin account.2. In the Extra Features ...
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Remove a backup file from DirectAdmin
You can remove backup files from your DirectAdmin to reduce disk space usage. If you are getting an error while generating a backup, such as indicating that the Backup exceeds...
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Restore a backup you generated earlier in DirectAdmin
A simple guide to help you restore a backup you generated earlier in DirectAdmin.1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.2. In the Advanced Features section, click on Create/Restore Backups icon or type&nbs...
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Download a backup of your Email,FTP, or Database only through DirectAdmin
Do you know that If you want to download a backup of only FTP data, emails, or database data, you can do this from your DirectAdmin control panel?How to Generate...
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Generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account?
You can make a backup of your DirectAdmin account and download it.How to Generate Backup of your DirectAdmin Account?1. Login in to your DirectAdmin account.2. In the Advanced Features section, click on Create/Rest...
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How to update DNS Nameservers at 123-REG?
A simple guide on how to update the DNS nameservers at 123-REG.After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a welcome email message from us. It will contain our nameservers,...
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How to update DNS Nameservers at GoDaddy
A guide on how to update the DNS nameservers at GoDaddy.After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a welcome email message from us. It will contain our nameservers, and...
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Update the DNS Nameservers at Netearthone or LogicBoxes
A step by step guide to help you update the DNS Nameservers at Netearthone or LogicBoxes based registrars.After purchasing our hosting account, you will receive a welcome email message from...
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