Covid-19 Pandemic, Working from home and Productivity
Covid-19 Pandemic is currently underway and countries are facing difficult days. Companies are starting to implement the most debatable alternative solution “Working from Home“.
We are currently at the beginning of the Second Wave of the Pandemic, which means lots of us are dealing with an unusual challenge. Others, on the other hand, are already prepared for whats to come because of the first wave of the pandemic.
So, we have prepared some tips for those who already work from home or for those that are transitioning into a Remote Work environment. These tips can help you work from home effectively without disrupting the flow and work ethic of your business/company.
How you can Work From Home
in a good mood and more efficiently

The power of clothings
We are starting with the first and basic tip. Get up and get dressed. It is so important to have this routine like you would usually do every day when having to go to work. This can make you feel more confident and ready for the day. Don’t underestimate the power of the psychological level of this point because such a tiny thing could drastically change and improve your mood for the rest of the day.

Home Office
If you usually work in an office environment every day, it would be very helpful to create a space in your house for work. Its more private and more productive. Even if you are living alone or even if you have a family or roommate, it is important to have your space. Also, use it to have some time to think and relax as well.
So, the fact that you have to stay home and work can be like a normal day at work. Your space must help you stay focused.

Defined Working Hours
Another important tip for you is to have your set “Working hours”. Once you have set your workspace, it is important to specify your working hours. This could be the exact same time you would normally go to work, or any other period of time that suits you. But, set your day program in relation to your needs and specify the time that you want to work.
In this time, set your work boundaries, and cut the distractions during your “work hours”.

Build Transitions
Some of us, during their daily routine, take the car/train/bus and commute to work or just walk to their office. Some others like to buy coffee every morning on their way to work or listen to their favourite music on the road, read the news, or just spend time with their pets. This is what we call “Transition” between home and work.
This transition is important to keep during teleworking because your mind must be prepared for the new day and under the sequences of working.
You should repeat this transition again and again after you finish the work at home, so you prepare your mind again for the rest of the day.
That is another step that must involve under the new rules.

Stay in touch
It’s important to have communication with your manager and your colleagues like you usually do every day at the office.
Communication should exist because under the conditions that we are in now it is normal to have some mishaps after you transition to fully remote.
Challenges can occur under those changes and must be reported to the others to continue working in normal flow. Use emails, phone, or video chat to communicate with all your managers and colleagues and stay informed of new rules and goals that you may have.

Social Interaction
Don’t stop being next to others mentally. Keep talking with your coworkers through Calls, Text, Slack, Skype, Whatsup, Zoom, or with every communication tool, that your company usually communicates. Ask about their day, or their weekend, or just asking how they are. By doing these things helps stay on a normal human level.
Schedule small video calls before work hours, or chat with them while you eat or drink your coffee. Keep work out of the conversation during this time. It’s necessary for your mind and soul.
Keep in touch with your friends as well through your Social Media Profiles, learn about their day, and how they spent their time through the pandemic.
Keep your social distance but stay connected with other ways.

Working with the Family
Family comes first for me but of course, my job is a huge part of my life. Having a good time at work means that you are always in a good mood. As already mentioned above, the first thing you should do with your family is, inform them about your working hours. Don’t forget your private working space.
As long as you are in your home office, you can’t be interrupted for unimportant things and get distracted. Help them understand that is the time that you work and it’s important to finish your daily goals.

Working with your babies
Is not easy but is not impossible to work and have to take care of your family and your children.
You can prepare many things for your children to keep them busy and keep your hands free. Use apps and programs to educate them or prepare some homework for them and tell them to do it with you at your office. Believe me, they will find it interesting and they like it so much because they will think they are working with you. If you have a small baby, you can work the times they are asleep.
If you are on call, inform the others that you are with your kids, so as to be more patient. Otherwise, if that is not as easy as it sounds, communicate with your manager about your working hours and change your hours based on your free time. Everyone must understand those situations.

Focus and Balance
Stay focused on your family needs. If that means that you have to play with your babies or listen to the younger children, or just help your companion or your roommate, with housework or for anything that distracts your family.
Give that extra love, affection, and attention during the day. Difficult times do not only affect you, it affects everyone, some more than others.
If you are focused on your family’s needs, you can balance your day and give them the necessary attention and love that they need from you.This will help avoid any agreements and miscommunication.
On the other hand, your manager will understand if you do your job correctly. If you need more time for programming your daily routine, you can be provided with the space that you need so to adapted to the new conditions.
So stay safe, positive and creative
This pandemic is not what we had planned for 2020. Nevertheless, focus on your needs, focus on your family needs, and on your friends.
It will take time to get used to the new normal. But you must stay strong and positive. Have faith in your power and your abilities and find your balance. Working from home does not have to be as difficult as it sounds. Take the advantage to spend more time with your family, with yourself and enjoy it. Use any means of communication and chat with your friends and your colleagues, set your working hours, and spend time to build your own home office.
Remember, we’re all in this together.
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