The Essential Tools To Manage Remote Teams

DateJan 14, 2021

remote work tools


The year 2020 has been full of learning curves. For several companies, it has meant learning how to navigate remote work. Moving into 2021, with yet another lockdown, we have now become experts with managing our remote work teams and have a good understanding of what works and what does not.

The Challenges of Managing Remote Employees


When it come to remote working the main struggle is the lack of face time and guidance. Not everyone can be self-disciplined to work well under remote conditions. This may lead to procrastination which downgrades the whole teams performance.


Without having a physical presence, communication is more difficult. Which ultimately makes keeping track of tasks harder especially for larger teams. Also, communication with coworkers or clients can easily be misunderstood or misinterpreted.


Simple tasks like keeping on top of project updates or working on a document together can be tricky when you work remotely. When team members are in the same office, they can interact with documents, items, projects and each other without any real limitations.

Here are 5 of The Best Tools For Managing Remote Work Teams


Face-to-face video calls are a must for having successful remote team management. It helps keep a connection between you and your team. Since COVID-19, Zoom has become an everyday staple in our lives. You can hold productive one-on-one team chats, or company-wide meetings. Zoom is arguably one of the simplest to use

Trello is amazing for project management. It helps remote teams to easily allocate and track projects to individual team members. progress so that each remote worker’s backlog is visible to everyone. It is basically a massive bulletin board which makes it incredibly easy to use.

trello logo
slack logo

Slack offers real-time messaging between teams. It works perfectly for remote teams that need that constant communication with their team at all times. Communication is the key to success and with the help of Slack everything can move swiftly.

Using Slack, you and your team can be on the same page at all times, without having to deal with messy inboxes full of random email messages.

WIth Microsoft 365 you can get work done wherever you are. As long as you can connect to the internet, you are able to have all your files and documents on hand, helping you stay productive. Microsoft Teams ahas advanced security features built in so you can do all your important work knowing it will be securely backed up.

At HostingB2B we can provide you with MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 EMAIL HOSTING PLANS that come with an instant activation.

office 365
google drive

Used as a more comprehensive file sharing tool than Slack, which is mainly for messaging team members, Google Drive has it all.

For example you can share word documents, excel spreadsheets or powerpoint presentations all from one convenient location.

You can save any file types such as images, recordings, or videos and access files from any device while being 100% secure.

And there they are! Some of the best remote work tools needed for your business during the lockdown. All these tools are meant to help you save wasted unproductive time, reduce remote working stress for you or your employees and stay on top of competition so that your business not only grows but also succeeds.

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