WAF Plans


Web Application Firewall

99.00 /mo
>99.5% Guaranteed availability (SLA)
Unlimited Network and Transport DDoS Protection (L3, L4)
Unlimited Application Layer DDoS Protection (L7)
1 Protected Resources
8 Hours Technical Support
3 Mbps Legitimate Traffic Included
Free per certificate per month SSL Certificate Issuing and Support
Bot Protection Not available


Web Application Firewall

199.00 /mo
>99.9% Guaranteed availability (SLA)
Unlimited Network and Transport DDoS Protection (L3, L4)
Unlimited Application Layer DDoS Protection (L7)
1 Protected Resources
24 Hours Technical Support
5 Mbps Legitimate Traffic Included
Free per certificate per month SSL Certificate Issuing and Support
Bot Protection Available

Key Benefits

Ensure Service Continuity

Keep your services running smoothly even during the most severe attacks.

Focus on Your Core Business

Let HostingB2B handle web security, so you can focus on what matters most.

Comprehensive Protection

Shield your applications from various attack vectors without sacrificing performance.

Cost Efficiency

Save on expenses by eliminating the need for expensive web filtering and network appliances.

Security Features

Minimal False Positives

False positive rates of less than 0.01%.

Targeted Session Blocking

Block malicious sessions instead of entire IPs.

Early Detection

Protect against low-rate attacks right from the first request.

Advanced Load Balancing

Improved availability with sophisticated load balancing algorithms.

Global Traffic Filtering

Our globally distributed network filters traffic worldwide.

Scalable Network Capacity

HostingB2B's expanding network capacity ensures resilience against even the largest DDoS attacks.

Web Application Security Solutions

Reliable Protection with On-Premises or Global Network Options

Web Application Security by Client Infrastructure

• On-Premises Web Security Servers
• Client's Web Server

Web Application Security by HostingB2B Network

• HostingB2B Global Network
• Client's Web Server


Web Application Firewall

HostingB2B's Web Application Firewall (WAF) utilizes real-time monitoring and machine learning to safeguard user credentials and prevent the loss of digital assets.

  • Prevent Credential Theft: Secure user credentials from theft.
  • Unauthorized Access Protection: Shield your services from unauthorized access.
  • Minimize Data Breach Risks: Reduce the risk of personal data leaks.
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